Dear Friends,
It is certainly a challenging time for all of us. The future seems uncertain and we want to return to normal times and activities. While I am no longer a traveling touring musician, I’ve continued to keep Woods Tea music alive through our radio station which has been a pleasure to provide.
As we learn to work from home and social interaction is temporarily limited, how we interact, use our time and support each other is also a learning process. I’ve taken to the studio to avoid the news and have found a new source of creative energy that has resulted in a number of new songs and tunes.
Musicians are struggling. The shut-downs and lock-outs affect the working musician as much as any worker in our economy. Many of our friends and colleagues are now without work with little or no support systems to fall back on.
My hope is to offer my recent musical efforts towards a greater good. Here you’ll find a number of free original tracks. I hope you will be inspired to donate to the American Federation of Musician Relief Fund . As a long time AFM Local 1000 member, I can assure you this organization is and has been an invaluable resource to many traveling musicians over the years. Any amount helps.
I am grateful for all of your support and friendship over the many years of Woods Tea. What else can I say but ARRGH!
More tracks will be added as inspiration allows. ©2020 GS MUSIC